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vio • 2 years ago

tubs only has himself to blame, if he cultivated more instead of stuffing his face and drinking wine he'd be at a higher level.

Big dawg getting jealous, envious to him cause he now surpassing him within a mere months, and possible girl crush starting to warm up to him lol. That's like your friend returning from summer vacation a completely different person, and instantly start becoming popular in the new school year, and the person who you like finally this going be your year to finally confess to them, but now find out they like your friend. If you must know your ( Tubs) in this lol.

vio • 2 years ago

That analogy is amusing because expecting good things to come eventually isnt always the way to go. As for the girl in this anime, I believe its more recognition than anything else at this point because he isnt slacking in working towards his goal.

OfficialDrixMalone • 2 years ago

Seems very personal lol.

Ned Stark • 2 years ago

No amount of cultivation or hard work can make up the difference between a side character and OP MCs luck. If the world decides that you will play the foil to the MC you meekly accept it. Only Fang Yuan can defeat the MC that the world chooses.

death shot • 2 years ago

I see a change in behaviour the fatty getting more n more pissed and the girl getting more polite

That's chad musk starting to burst from him, making fatty envious and the girl warming up to him now.

OfficialDrixMalone • 2 years ago

Aha, ain't nothing more true than your comment.

OfficialDrixMalone • 2 years ago

Yup, only a matter of time before the girl started acting more soft towards him, she's attracted to powerful men and he's one of them no doubt. Her vagina probably is squirting out oceans by now, twitching from excitement and sees him as a mate now aha. It was inevitable that she'd start exuding feminine energy and hormones watching his success and superiority aha. Her biological instincts have started to take over, finally encouraging him while fatty is exasperating jealousy and anger aha.